I'm Allison J. James, GameMaker game maker since 2003 and FontCreator font creator since 2005. Made over 200 games and over 900 fonts. My fonts are available on DaFont under Chequered Ink. She/her.
I also worked at YoYo Games for five years from 2010 to 2015 programming for their games for mobile devices as well as other systems and am now one half of Chequered Ink, where you can now find my latest releases.
The FKR series began as an in-my-style arcade game and sequel. By FKR4 I realised I'd accidentally made them yearly, and continued to do so - in spite of my style entirely changing. The games are near-identical as of the last several iterat...
These are the games made for jokes, single gimmicks, or for game jams with either minuscule deadlines or the goal to be deliberately unfair experiences.